30 July 2013

Miss Annabelle

Lush rows of corn
A bicycle
An old caravan
And one beautiful young lady with golden locks 
Need I say more!

15 July 2013

Little Miss H

 I cannot even decide where to start telling you about this gorgeous little girl.  

She is completely adorable - from the tip of her nose to her cute little toes.

These photos were taken around her first birthday, its hard to believe that only a short year before she was battling against a giant tumour.

Here she is with her beautiful mummy - the first of many blogging's to come I'm sure.


11 July 2013

Loris and Simon

I was really excited when Loris contacted me regarding some photos which she and her husband Simon had unfortunately missed out on at
 their wedding day in April.

The weather didn't let us down and the glorious afternoon highlighted the sweet love between Simon and Loris.

I'm honestly not even sure if the light was coming from the sun or from them.

Such a beautiful, fun couple and family.

I'm really excited to share these moments with you and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

3 July 2013

Autumn leaves

My beautiful friend Hannah.

Ain't she just the cutestestest! (Yes, yes its definitely a word)

We had such a fun day getting these snaps, we also got rather wet due to the rain but it was worth it.
Just  few days later these beautiful trees decided it was time to shed their glorious Autumn coats and hibernate for the winter.

I LOVE Autumn! The gorgeous harmony's of red, orange, yellow - Yep, gets me every time.