30 June 2013

Something Small

I debated with myself long and hard over what my first photographic blog post should be.
Something fun? Something serious? Something unusual?
I finally settled on something that I think will help you to understand me a little better
 since I'm really not very good at telling people about myself.
Something personal.
However, then of course I couldn't decide on what personal thing to share with you.
Yes, I know, terrible isn't it.
Finally it came to me, and so here it is...
Something small.
Macro Photography has been a hobby of mine for a long time. I just love finding little treasures, especially in nature.
Starbursts of beauty crop up even in the most seemingly dull setting or darkest corner - If only you know to look.




  1. A pleasure and a treasure to view your artworks. I love the big picture of life because it's filled with millions of these small details, what amazes me most is water. I don't think humans understand it yet. Keep up the fantastic work and blog!

    1. Thankyou Chrissy, Yes there are many things I think which we may never understand fully.

  2. your wonderful talent is show casing the amaizing and wonderous depths to our beautiful planet. cheers and keep up the good work of displaying natures little treasures.Chris.S

  3. You've got some good shots here. Keep it up.


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